The first week – learning the balance

I’m sitting at a lovely little coffee/ice cream shop eating a black bean burger, thinking I need to learn how to make these at home.

Today marks my first full week of V-days and I’m feeling pretty good about it.

For one thing, I stepped on the scales this morning and saw that I’m 13 pounds lighter than I was when I started this thing.

I realize that sounds like a dangerous pace of weight loss. I should probably have consulted a doctor before doing this, though I think I’m going to wait until the month is over to do so.

It occurs to me I’m kind of doing a Morgan Spurlock in reverse. If he survived his month of eating only McDonald’s food while filming the documentary “Super Size Me”, I should be able to handle my month going in the opposite direction health-wise.

And really, I feel fantastic.

There’s less weight on my sore knee. I get around more easily than before. And when I look in the mirror, my face looks thinner. (Nobody has told me I look any different yet, though, so I’m waiting to see of others do start noticing. I particularly hope to hear that from people who don’t know that I’m doing this.)

On the flip side, I haven’t enjoyed eating as much as I do when I’m open to eating everything – and I do mean everything.

This black bean burger is kind of the exception. So is fresh produce. I’ve eaten a lot of juicy oranges, mangoes, cantaloupes and tomatoes as snacks in the past week. I can never get enough of that stuff.

On the other hand, the eggplant wrap I had at a sandwich shop yesterday was about a notch above putting onions on cardboard.

Really, I haven’t eaten too much that’s awful in the past week. On the other hand, I haven’t had much that’s exciting, either.

And that’s where the balance comes in.

Eating is, or at least it should be, a relatively small part of life, I figure. It has become much smaller to me now.

One big reason is I can’t grab a Twix bar when I’m at the checkout counter or microwave a cheesy tortilla every time I get the munchies at home.

I do get tempted by those things. It’s fairly easy to resist, though, because I realize that’s the sacrifice I have to make to feel better overall.

There’s a popular saying you’ve probably heard: “No food tastes as good as being thin feels.”

True.Very true.

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