From vegan to caveman

No more veganism for me.

I can’t really claim to have ever been a vegan for more than a few weeks at a time.

But I did think that might be the silver bullet I needed to lose weight, lower my cholesterol and live to an age that’s old and ripe enough to make the folks at Smucker’s sit up and take notice.

That seemingly healthy diet kept dying of boredom in my hands, though.

I’d dive into it, thinking I could make a wholesale change like that with little problem. Then, after the initial surge of energy and good feeling, I’d inevitably run up against this reality: I love to cook, yet I’ve voluntarily nixed a huge percentage of my eligible ingredients.

How do you replace eggs, cheese, milk and meat all at once? Sure, Bill Clinton has done successfully so far, but I’m thinking he doesn’t have to come up with his own menu every night. Or ever, for that matter.

Anyway, my doctor agreed that all-plants-all-the-time is probably not going to work for me. So she suggested that I try the Paleo diet — sometimes referred to as the hunter/gatherer diet. Also, she recommended that I avoid an all-or-nothing approach this time.

Sure, I’m giving up some pretty universal ingredients with this one, as well. Grains, flour, beans and such are going to be hard to replace. But I have been incorporating as much of the diet as I can and feel lighter and more energetic.

It’ll be a gradual change, but I figure it’ll be worth it. And in another 50 years or so, Smucker’s will be wishing me a happy birthday. Not through Willard Scott, though. Unless he’s a paleo guy, of course.

And that means no more Smucker’s.


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